Tuesday, July 14, 2009

wth? Dream # 145274 lmao

Okay so last night around 1 something I went to sleep and had this dream, It was actually really creative, and expansive when normally my dreams tend to stay on 2 or more subjects. However I found this dream truly a interesting journey. lol. It started off with me being at home waking up to find my father gone, turns out that he was in jail and it was all because of this girl he had messed with. I go outside my room and I'm in some hotel where i wasn't at originally, at least in my mind I wasn't. So i go outside and I see the girl, the next thing I know, she's talking to my grandmother, and she's bassically filling her head with why she put my father in jail, and she tries it on me too but I was looking at her like . lol. So later when i go back to sleep, my father shows up and say's " don't worry i'm gonna get us outta here" and he hands me a stack of money and told me to hold on to it. So the next day my family is outside and were preparing to go back home away from the hotel. When we get back home, The Mercer Brothers ( Four Brothers ) were there, at least Bobby, Jeremiah, and Angel were. So next thing we know were all sitting around and talking to one another when we heard some loud noises. So we look outside and see Randy Orton about to bomb us ( lmao). So I'm like " oh god noooooo" and I hit a backflip and fall and say " you son of a bitchhh..." so then as i wake up and look around it is then day light and me and Bobby are the only two left standing, so then we get up and go to his car. We notice Randy on the side of the road near us, and this fool tries to run us off the road, so i was like "oh hell no bobby, we gon kill him" so Bobby takes the wheel and crashes his car off the road, and he was looking at us like . I was like . So he then gets back in his car and drives like hell hath no fury and pushes us to the end of the road. So that's when we all get out and are about to kick Randy's ass lol. But I was like " no bobby I got this." So thats when we challened Randy and his companions to a obstacle course of some sort. Why? I dont know... lol. but the first contest was a bike race.. Randy cheated of course... When he rode his bike up the steps he made a sharp turn back around them, of couse when i tried it i FELL lmao.. I was like but. it doesnt matter because he got caught up talking to Amanda Bynes lmao. He thought that was apart of the race, but it was actually the rope a block away from her. So as we ran past him and Amanda dearest, I climb the rope and began to get closer, but then Randy suddely jumps and climbs the rope and were constantly bickering on the rope, until we both see something that says someting about a Randy Orton fan club, im looking like..... and he is looking like ..So we end up swinging to the damn window to see what it was all about, by now were both counting on each other for support cause without the other we both would fail, lol, so as were trying to open the window , the latch is finnaly opened and we swing through, thanks to some guy who worked in the fan club. I guess he was excited to see Randy, Me and Randy are both looking at him like .. So he takes us on a tour of the place and we saw a lot of the things Randy has touched and or used in WWE and we both were like ... we both surprising found a common intrest in one another, we hate being bored. lmao. From there we became friends.... I find that kind of odd being that he just blew up my house... but okay lmao...

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