Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lil' Wayne's Comment...

Go Around The 2:50 Mark..

Now I'm gonna sit here and lie and say I'm one of Lil Wayne's biggest fans, but he was at least okay in my book, I would listen to his music here and there and all that mess, but after today he really lost a good portion of my respect. It's certain things you do, and certain things you don't do, and what he did was completely uncalled for. In a freestyle earlier this week he said

"I pledge allegiance to the flag
Michael Jackson is a FAG
Coca Cola, 7-Up, Pepsi Cola burned him up.."

Just where does he get off saying such a thing like that. I mean the man hasnt even been dead a month and his name is being spat on by rappers and the media who couldn't even compete to Michael's stature. I mean let the man rest already. There is no excuse for that, not even if he was just playing around or not, it's disrespectful. I mean you wouldnt want somebody saying that about you. At least Michael wasnt caught kissing another man in the mouth. He really has some nerve. Stuff like this really gets under my skin, and it just makes me lose respect for people especially when someone I idolize so much is disrespected in ways he didnt deserve. Michael never did anything to anyone and for people to still continue to treat him like that after his death just shows the true character in people. It's sad after his death, he's still not able to rest in peace. I just think all rappers and etc should keep Michaels name out of their mouths, respectfull or not. His soul needs to be at rest. As for Little Wayne... he has lost any respect he gained from me, I will not support him in anyway or form, because there is no excuse for his actions and thats that. What makes it worse is how he also jacked Aaliyah's song I Don't Wanna and not saying a damn thing about it... I don't see how he could have possible gotten this far in his career doing crap like this.

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