Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lil' Wayne's Comment...

Go Around The 2:50 Mark..

Now I'm gonna sit here and lie and say I'm one of Lil Wayne's biggest fans, but he was at least okay in my book, I would listen to his music here and there and all that mess, but after today he really lost a good portion of my respect. It's certain things you do, and certain things you don't do, and what he did was completely uncalled for. In a freestyle earlier this week he said

"I pledge allegiance to the flag
Michael Jackson is a FAG
Coca Cola, 7-Up, Pepsi Cola burned him up.."

Just where does he get off saying such a thing like that. I mean the man hasnt even been dead a month and his name is being spat on by rappers and the media who couldn't even compete to Michael's stature. I mean let the man rest already. There is no excuse for that, not even if he was just playing around or not, it's disrespectful. I mean you wouldnt want somebody saying that about you. At least Michael wasnt caught kissing another man in the mouth. He really has some nerve. Stuff like this really gets under my skin, and it just makes me lose respect for people especially when someone I idolize so much is disrespected in ways he didnt deserve. Michael never did anything to anyone and for people to still continue to treat him like that after his death just shows the true character in people. It's sad after his death, he's still not able to rest in peace. I just think all rappers and etc should keep Michaels name out of their mouths, respectfull or not. His soul needs to be at rest. As for Little Wayne... he has lost any respect he gained from me, I will not support him in anyway or form, because there is no excuse for his actions and thats that. What makes it worse is how he also jacked Aaliyah's song I Don't Wanna and not saying a damn thing about it... I don't see how he could have possible gotten this far in his career doing crap like this.

Rather Go Than Dissapoint....

Last year in August me and one of my cousin's Kayla had planned to go to see WWE RAW. Tickets were going on sale, and we both were excited. When the show came I let her down and went with my friends instead.. However now were talking about going again but this time we have almost every kid lol. We're all going to see the show and it should be really fun. The only problem now is were gonna have to sit in the upper levels. That almost immediately turned me off of going completely. So I tried looking on eBay, no avail, tried Razor Gator, no avail, and Stub Hub, but all the sites were too expensive for what my cousin's parents were willing to pay. So I tried to even win four tickets, but that didn't help either. I was praying to god, asking for a sign of some sort, someway we all can get there, and have good seats. However it seemed like I was doing it for all the wrong reasons, like I was doing it just because I didn't wanna sit there, but when you have people counting on you, you have to make sacrifices. So I was walking around with my head down, kind of upset. Until it hit me, hey this wont be the first time they sat in those seats, but it will be their first time to ever see a WWE show live, and I know they'd rather be there then be thinking about where their going to sit and be disappointed about not going at all. I especially felt that when my cousin called me talking about the show, I could tell he was excited, So I'd rather suck it up and sit in those seats then to disappoint people I love and care for. Now the only thing is, how am I going to get these tickets? lol.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Horoscope Of The Day


"Like the great duets of the ages, you and a certain someone make such beautiful music together. Right now, collaboration brings out the best in both of you, especially when it comes to work-related topics. This person may not have been your first choice, but you've turned out to be a first-class duo after all. So don't worry about hitting the high notes -- you'll reach them with ease."

Wow, it's so much truth to that. My horoscope never ceases to amaze me.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Self Doubt

Today, well yesterday, was my first vocal lesson. At least in my mind I haven't experienced anything like it. However I'm very disappointed in myself because I feel like I could have done better or could have had more faith in myself. Self doubt is a bitchhh. Makes me feel like I couldn't do something I know I could. So I've been sitting here trying to figure out if it was just me or if I'm even ready to take this step. I know I can it just makes things that much harder because I'm a perfectionist and when I feel like I didn't do my best or try my best I kind of close up from the world and go back into my shell. Especially when I get nervous, I may poke my head out a little but soon as I feel like I go too far, I'm so quick to rush back in that shell and not face it anymore. I don't know why I get like that sometimes, because there have been many other times where I've performed, but it hasn't been on this level. I just feel like I'm very secretive and so afraid of criticism that I let it get the best of me and not allow me to do the absolute best that I know I can. I have to break this habit though because if I don't I wont ever get anywhere. At least I know what I have to work on whereas there are other people who still haven't figured it out. On another note, Daryl ( Vocal Coach) was really cool. I was still warming up to him though so I can't say I got the whole experience yet. I don't know what the future holds for me, I just hope by next Wednesday the same fears from this week aren't there.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

wth? Dream # 145274 lmao

Okay so last night around 1 something I went to sleep and had this dream, It was actually really creative, and expansive when normally my dreams tend to stay on 2 or more subjects. However I found this dream truly a interesting journey. lol. It started off with me being at home waking up to find my father gone, turns out that he was in jail and it was all because of this girl he had messed with. I go outside my room and I'm in some hotel where i wasn't at originally, at least in my mind I wasn't. So i go outside and I see the girl, the next thing I know, she's talking to my grandmother, and she's bassically filling her head with why she put my father in jail, and she tries it on me too but I was looking at her like . lol. So later when i go back to sleep, my father shows up and say's " don't worry i'm gonna get us outta here" and he hands me a stack of money and told me to hold on to it. So the next day my family is outside and were preparing to go back home away from the hotel. When we get back home, The Mercer Brothers ( Four Brothers ) were there, at least Bobby, Jeremiah, and Angel were. So next thing we know were all sitting around and talking to one another when we heard some loud noises. So we look outside and see Randy Orton about to bomb us ( lmao). So I'm like " oh god noooooo" and I hit a backflip and fall and say " you son of a bitchhh..." so then as i wake up and look around it is then day light and me and Bobby are the only two left standing, so then we get up and go to his car. We notice Randy on the side of the road near us, and this fool tries to run us off the road, so i was like "oh hell no bobby, we gon kill him" so Bobby takes the wheel and crashes his car off the road, and he was looking at us like . I was like . So he then gets back in his car and drives like hell hath no fury and pushes us to the end of the road. So that's when we all get out and are about to kick Randy's ass lol. But I was like " no bobby I got this." So thats when we challened Randy and his companions to a obstacle course of some sort. Why? I dont know... lol. but the first contest was a bike race.. Randy cheated of course... When he rode his bike up the steps he made a sharp turn back around them, of couse when i tried it i FELL lmao.. I was like but. it doesnt matter because he got caught up talking to Amanda Bynes lmao. He thought that was apart of the race, but it was actually the rope a block away from her. So as we ran past him and Amanda dearest, I climb the rope and began to get closer, but then Randy suddely jumps and climbs the rope and were constantly bickering on the rope, until we both see something that says someting about a Randy Orton fan club, im looking like..... and he is looking like ..So we end up swinging to the damn window to see what it was all about, by now were both counting on each other for support cause without the other we both would fail, lol, so as were trying to open the window , the latch is finnaly opened and we swing through, thanks to some guy who worked in the fan club. I guess he was excited to see Randy, Me and Randy are both looking at him like .. So he takes us on a tour of the place and we saw a lot of the things Randy has touched and or used in WWE and we both were like ... we both surprising found a common intrest in one another, we hate being bored. lmao. From there we became friends.... I find that kind of odd being that he just blew up my house... but okay lmao...

Michael Jackson

"I just made this site so I'd figure the best way to start off would be about Michael Jackson. I wrote this the day after his passing on June 26, 2009.I posted it to myspace but since then I feel there's more I can add to it."

Words cant even describe how I feel today. Just sitting here looking at all of the videos and all of his music circulating throughout the world just hurts me to my soul. Its so hard to imagine MJ being gone because ever since I've known there has been MJ, there have been times when I felt like he would outlive me, crazy I know. I just feel like a part of me is gone, as a child there has been so many memories I can bring up with my cousin and with my father god rest his soul. All the times I would see Thriller and be afraid for my life or to see him on TV and be amazed by his stage pressence. I never thought I would see this day, and so unexpectedly. I look at my favorite singers like Corbin Bleu, Ciara, Usher, Chris Brown and I see the influence and how much of an impact he made on them it hurts me even more because he influenced me in the same way. I can't seem to believe he's gone, I just hope he was able to find the peace that he was looking for.

R.I.P King Of Pop